Monday, October 10, 2011

Lots, lots, lots of stuff going on around my world in the past few weeks. I think things are finally settling down now. I have my fingers crossed for that, anyway. I am looking forward to some slower times, now that the weather is cooler and days are shorter. My husband is close to finishing up the busy season at the Club, which means he will be around most of the time....Yay!!

In other news, although the lack of posts may lead you to think otherwise, I have been reading. I was so excited to score a whole sack full of new books, most current bestsellers, at the Friends of The Library booksale in my local library. And wonders of wonders, Susanna Kearsley's  "The Winter Sea"among them! I can not wait to start on it. It has been getting rave reviews from my Goodreads friends who have read t, so I have some pretty high expectations. Sure hope it holds up.

I'll be back tomorrow with a couple of new book reviews, and an upcoming release I am telling everyone about. See you then!

Dawn xo

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