Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Break time is over!

It has been awhile since my last conversation here, and all I have to say in my defense is that it's been my break between school sessions as well, so though unintended, I have managed to have a nice bit of time without homework, blogging or late nights spent catching up on all the things I'm behind on.

Thank you, yes. It has been nice, but now I am ready to dive back in. I'll be posting that review of Kate Furnivall's book I promised, as well as starting on Night Road, by Kristen Hannah in the next day or two.

Although I have not been blogging I have been reading. I have read, Pictures Of You which turned out to be an underwhelming book for me, and The Help finally. I can not believe that it has sat on my shelf so long, unread. The book is awesome! I plan to go see the movie this weekend. Everyone is saying it is fabulous as well, so I am anticipating a good time.

Wishing a fantabulous rest of the week for all of us.....xo

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