Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Going forward.....

My son, who is wise beyond his years, pointed out that I sound pretty desperate on my blog. That was not my intention. Truly.
In an attempt to inject some humor into the situation, I have managed to be whiny and desperate.
I am positively mortified. Absolutely.....beyond words.

I really am not concerned about my reader base.....I subscribe to Kevin Costner's theory....or rather his theory as Ray Kinsella in Field of Dreams....."build it and they will come".

I am here to have fun.....and let's face it,  I also needed a really good excuse to buy books. Who can argue the validity of a purchase if I intend to recycle it and make someone's day better? Not to mention....(Well, actually I am mentioning it, aren't I?) accomplishing my good Samaritans deed quota for the week?

So there, no pressure....I am perfectly capable of giving my books away to complete strangers on the street, although I'd rather give them to you.

In a related update.....I am happy to report that I will post my first review later today for Kate Furnivall's The Jewel of St. Petersburg, 

 ( I will wait until I have a larger pool of folks to give a book away.)
This was such an awesome book, and my first by this author. Can't wait to tell you all about it!

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