Thursday, July 21, 2011

Houston?.......We have a problem.

Okay, so it occurred to me sometime late last night as I was drifting off into the well-deserved sleep of the hard-working that I ...(gulp)..... actually do not have any readers to give away a book to.
Such a sad awakening.
It took me a long time to get to sleep after this embarrassing realization.

But. never fear, I have a solution.

OK, that's not really true. I'm just trying to be brave and optimistic.
I will get readers, eventually.
Won't I?

Oh, that's just the echo of my own voice reverberating back to me from the empty corners of my little blog.
Oh well, I suppose I can give myself a book
.....sort of as a consolation prize. For what, I'm not really certain.
I can surely come up with something, though.

Here is the three books I have to choose from. If by some chance there really is someone else out there, (besides me, of course).....feel free to vote and help me decide which one.

I'll read it, then review it here....then I'll do a giveaway. That is if I have any readers by then.
I will, I will, I will......I hope, I hope.......OK, this isn't working.

Here's my choices.....

Night Road

Go here to find out what it's about.....

Rules of Civility

Go here to read more about it.....

Or this one.....

The Winter Sea

Go here to find out more about this one.....

I want them all.....I just can't choose.


Anyone who leaves a comment or follows my blog, or really anyone who just notices I exist....I'll add your name to the hat. You could fact, the odds are really good. Seriously.


1 comment:

  1. wow these are all such great books! I can't decide either.
