Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A writing adventure.....

I was wandering around on PINTEREST last week and clicked on an interesting pin regarding the annual National Novel Writing Month.
I never heard of this. It has been around for at least a decade and I am just now discovering it!

For future reference I filed this info under "Ways in which Pinterest will change your life for the better." and also under" No, Pinterest is NOT a waste of time!!" (Just in case on some distant day, I am forced to uphold my claim that Pinterest is a worthwhile time vacuum.)

But back to my discovery, I hesitated only a millisecond before rushing over to the website and gathering more information.
It was amazing.
The challenge consists of simply signing up and committing yourself to writing 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days starting November 1.

I have never considered myself to be a writer. I will admit to dreaming, aspiring, hoping, planning....but never have I called myself a writer. Yet, this. This would mean believing I could put my thoughts into words and create something that someone else might want to read.
Could I? Dare I try?


The idea is to spend October thinking, researching, planning, outlining and structuring. Then November 1st the bell dings and you're off!
To write. Simply to write. No worries about perfect wording, or spelling or even punctuation and proper grammar usage. Only to get thoughts and words, narration and dialogue.....a story...onto paper.

And this my friends, I can do.

Last week, I hesitantly explained the process to my husband and asked for his opinion. He, being Mr. Wonderful and my #1 fan, was super enthusiastic and positive that I could do it. We've talked about my writing dreams before and he always has very wise suggestions and feedback.
So. We brainstormed a bit, then out of his razor sharp mind  he pulls a synopsis, an idea, that I love. Mind you, I have no lack of my own ideas, but this needs to be something I can write with a minimum of research and a wide knowledge of the subject already established. And my hubby is apparently, quite magnificent at being able to pinpoint exactly what that would be.
Since then, I have been thinking and plotting and buzzing with thoughts. I have taken my husbands creative genius and  expanded the parameters so that a very solid base to work from has been laid out.

I am beyond excited. I am bursting with anticipation and positively giddy with the possibilities that have opened out for me.
And all this time, I have had it in me. I just needed a challenge. A reason to believe I could do it. Permission to explore and create.

Admittedly, I have a lot of preparation still to do, and where I will logistically find the time is still unclear, yet, I will do it. It is in my heart, and I will find a way.

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